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List of Deprecated Features

See the Deprecated Features subsystem documentation to learn more about deprecated features.

Deprecated featureDeprecated sinceRemoved inNotes
amqp_address_v1RabbitMQ 4.0Use AMQP address v2.
classic_queue_mirroringAugust 2021RabbitMQ 4.0Use quorum queues and/or streams for data that needs replication.
global_qosAugust 2021Use per-consumer QoS.
management_metrics_collectionAugust 2021Use the Prometheus plugin.
ram_node_typeAugust 2021Use disk nodes only.
transient_nonexcl_queuesAugust 2021Covers queues that are both non-durable and non-exclusive, this combination should be avoided. Use durable queues or non-durable exclusive queues. Queue TTL can be used for cleanup of unused durable queues.