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Monitoring RabbitMQ Instances Deployed by the Kubernetes Cluster Operator

Use this information to learn how to monitor RabbitMQ instances deployed by the Kubernetes Cluster Operator.

Introducing Monitoring in RabbitMQ

The Kubernetes Cluster Operator deploys RabbitMQ clusters with the rabbitmq_prometheus plugin activated or turned on. This plugin exposes a Prometheus-compatible metrics endpoint.

For detailed information on the RabbitMQ Prometheus configuration, check the Prometheus information.

The following sections assume Prometheus is deployed and functional. How to configure Prometheus to monitor RabbitMQ depends on whether Prometheus is installed by Prometheus Operator or by other means.

Monitor RabbitMQ with Prometheus Operator

The Prometheus Operator defines the custom resource definitions (CRDs) ServiceMonitor, PodMonitor, and PrometheusRule. ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor CRDs allow to declaratively define how a dynamic set of services and pods should be monitored.

Check whether the RabbitMQ Kubernetes cluster has the Prometheus Operator deployed:

kubectl get

If this command returns an error, Prometheus Operator is not deployed. If you want to deploy it, follow these instructions.

To monitor all RabbitMQ clusters, run:

kubectl apply --filename

To monitor RabbitMQ Cluster Operator, run:

kubectl apply --filename

If Prometheus is deployed with a label selector for Pod or Service monitor, for example:

kind: Prometheus
name: prometheus
serviceAccountName: prometheus
team: frontend
team: frontend

It is required to add the same labels to the ServiceMonitor deployed with the previous command. To label the ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor deployed in previous steps, run:

  kubectl label ServiceMonitor rabbitmq team=frontend
kubectl label PodMonitor rabbitmq-cluster-operator team=frontend

ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor can be created in any namespace, as long as the Prometheus Operator has permissions to find it. For more information about these permissions, refer to Configure Permissions for the Prometheus Operator later in this information.

The Prometheus Operator will detect ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor objects and automatically configure and reload Prometheus' scrape config.

To validate whether Prometheus successfully scrapes metrics, open the Prometheus web UI in your browser (ask your administrator for the URL) and navigate to the Status -> Targets page where you should see an entry for the Cluster Operator (for example: podMonitor/<podMonitorNamespace>/rabbitmq-cluster-operator/0 (1/1 up)) and one entry for each deployed RabbitMQ cluster (for example: serviceMonitor/<serviceMonitorNamespace>/rabbitmq/0 (1/1 up)).

Prometheus Alerts

The custom resource PrometheusRule allows to declaratively define alerting rules. To install RabbitMQ alerting rules, first ensure that kube-state-metrics is installed.

To deploy Prometheus rules for RabbitMQ, kubectl apply all YAML files in the rules/rabbitmq directory.

To deploy Prometheus rules for the Cluster Operator, kubectl apply the YAML files in the rules/rabbitmq-cluster-operator directory.

The ruleSelector from the Prometheus custom resource must match the labels of the deployed PrometheusRules.

For example, in the following code, if the Prometheus custom resource contains theruleSelector, then a label release: my-prometheus needs to be added to the PrometheusRules.

kind: Prometheus
ruleNamespaceSelector: {}
release: my-prometheus
version: v2.26.0

To get notified on firing alerts (for example: via Email or PagerDuty), configure a notification receiver in the Alertmanager.

To receive Slack notifications, deploy the Kubernetes Secret in the alertmanager directory.

(Optional) Configure Permissions for the Prometheus Operator

If no RabbitMQ clusters appear in Prometheus, it might be necessary to adjust permissions for the Prometheus Operator.

The following steps were tested with a kube-prometheus deployment.

To configure permissions for the Prometheus Operator, first create a file named prometheus-roles.yaml with the following contents:

kind: ClusterRole
name: prometheus
- apiGroups: [""]
- nodes
- services
- endpoints
- pods
verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
- apiGroups: [""]
- configmaps
verbs: ["get"]
- nonResourceURLs: ["/metrics"]
verbs: ["get"]
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
name: prometheus
kind: ClusterRole
name: prometheus
- kind: ServiceAccount
name: prometheus-k8s
namespace: monitoring

Then, apply the permissions listed in prometheus-roles.yaml by running

kubectl apply -f prometheus-roles.yaml

Monitor RabbitMQ Without the Prometheus Operator

If Prometheus is not installed by the Prometheus Operator, if is installed by other means instead, then the CRDs ServiceMonitor, PodMonitor, and PrometheusRule are not available.

Then, Prometheus must be configured via a config file. To monitor all RabbitMQ clusters and RabbitMQ Cluster Operator, use the scrape targets defined in the Prometheus config file for RabbitMQ.

To set up RabbitMQ alerting rules, first configure Prometheus to receive metrics from the kube-state-metrics agent.

Thereafter, configure Prometheus to use the Prometheus rule file.

To receive Slack notifications, use the same alertmanager.yaml as provided in alertmanager/slack.yml for the Alertmanager configuration file.

Import Dashboards to Grafana

RabbitMQ provides Grafana dashboards to visualize the metrics scraped by Prometheus.

Follow the instructions in the Grafana Configuration information to import dashboards to Grafana.

Alternatively, if Grafana is deployed by the Grafana Helm chart, kubectl apply the ConfigMaps in the grafana/dashboards directory to import the RabbitMQ Grafana dashboards using a sidecar container.

The RabbitMQ-Alerts dashboard provides a history of all past RabbitMQ alerts across all RabbitMQ clusters in Kubernetes.